Our Team
Sheri Mizumori, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
Dr. Mizumori seeks to understand how the many neuroplasticity mechanisms of the brain enable flexible decisions, learning and memory across the lifespan. Current efforts focus on the interaction between decision and memory neural circuitry at both single cell firing rate and population neural oscillatory levels of analysis that span brain areas such as the hippocampus, frontal cortex, striatum, and midbrain structures. The hope is that this work will inform future therapeutic efforts to treat behavioral and memory disorders.
Discoveries in science are critical for the advancement of society. As important as these discoveries are, it is equally important to ensure that these discoveries result from input from a diverse group of scientists to ensure that scientific advances are as broadly applicable, inclusive, and creative as possible. Thus, Dr. Mizumori’s other passion in research is to promote the inclusion of historically marginalized neuroscientists in scientific discovery, which led her to co-found the BRAINS Program.
Graduate Students
Victoria I. Hones
I am deeply interested in investigating the mechanisms underlying decision-making and memory in the brain. To this end, I focus on the neural circuits associated with spatial working memory. Currently, my research aims to uncover the lateral habenula's involvement in memory and decision-making, utilizing techniques such as designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs and calcium imaging. I am also intrigued by the potential use of psychedelics as a therapeutic approach for conditions such as depression and substance use disorder. Before joining the Mizumori lab, I collaborated with Dr. Molly Brown at DePaul University to explore social networking among chronically homeless individuals. In my spare time, I love hanging out with my dog Charlie and cat Yozhik, hiking, and reading!
Martha-Root Mbah
I am a graduate student interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying decision-making and memory by studying structures of the brain like the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. I am also interested in understanding how those mechanisms are influenced by substances of abuse. Before joining the Mizumori lab, I worked with Dr. Fioravante at UC Davis studying the non-motor functions of the cerebellum and its involvement in learned behavior. Outside of the lab, I enjoy being of service to my community, crocheting, baking, and hanging out with my niece and nephew.
Undergraduate Students
Maeve Bottoms
I am an undergraduate student majoring in Neuroscience with minors in Applied Mathematics as well as Neural Computation and Engineering. I am interested in the physiological modulation of the hippocampus and how that affects behavioral flexibility, and am particularly drawn to neural computations and data analysis. After I graduate, I intend to work towards a doctorate degree in the field of Neuroscience. Outside of the lab, I love cooking and going on hikes with my dog Chili.
Sky Andrews
I am in my last year of a dual degree in Psychology and Neuroscience, after which I will work in a research lab to further my technical skills before applying to grad school.
A neuroscience and mycology fanatic, my career research goal is to integrate the fields of neuropharmacology and neurophysiology with mycology to explore potential treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In my free time I enjoy reading, helping in undergraduate classes as a TA, and hiking.
Jillian Perrone
I am a rising senior majoring in Psychology with a minor in English. Following my undergraduate studies I plan to continue to foster my curiosity for topics in Psychology and Neuroscience, continuing research and intending to pursue a doctorate program in the field. While my academic interests are widely interdisciplinary, my unwavering passion lies in discovering the intricacies of the neural mechanisms underlying learning, memory, and sensory perception. I am particularly intrigued by questions related to autobiographical memory, sensorimotor integration, and language processing. In my free time, I enjoy reading and writing poetry, music of all varieties, and spending time outdoors.
Yumi Lee
I am a sophomore majoring in neuroscience, and I am interested in how failures or defects in the brain affect cognition, sensory perception, and the nervous system. I'm excited to learn more about the brain through my lab experience and further my education in grad school. In my free time, I like to read, bake, and take a nap.
Post Docs
Phil Baker, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Seattle Pacific University
Marsha Penner, Ph.D. - Teaching Assistant Professor, Univ North Carolina-Chapel Hill
David Smith, Ph.D. - Professor, Cornell University
Oxana Eschenko, Ph.D. - Senior Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Alex Guazzelli, Ph.D. - Director of Machine Learning, Amazon
Dorene Miya, Ph.D.
Lucia Jacobs, Ph.D. - Professor, UC Berkeley
Ph.D. Graduates
Jesse Miles, Ph.D - Postdoctoral Fellow, Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Kevan Kidder, Ph.D - Research Scientist/Engineer, University of Washington
Valerie Tryon, Ph.D. - Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, UC Davis Imaging Research Center
Wambura Fobbs, Ph.D. - Postdoctoral Fellow, Lecturer, American University
Yong Sang Jo, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Korea University
Min Jung Kim, Ph.D. - Research Associate, MIT
Adria Martig, Ph.D. - Associate Director, Biogen
Corey Puryear, Ph.D. - Director of Translational Sciences, Praxis Precision Medicines, Inc.
Katy Gill, Ph.D. - Medical Writer, Regulatory and Quality Solutions
Wayne Pratt, Ph.D. - Professor, Wake Forest University
Stefan Leutgeb, Ph.D. - Professor and Chair, UC San Diego
Brent Cooper, Ph.D. - Associate Professor, Texas Christian University
Masters Graduates
Yingxue Rao, MS
Julie Davis, MS
Sujean Oh, MS
Jennifer Bennett, MS
Denise Davis, MS
Kay Ragozzino, MS
Annette Lavoie, MS
Phil Garcia, MA